July 14, 2020
Extension Update
4-H Entomology Project, Spanish. 4H1106S Amy Sollock. This project page, translated into Spanish, provides information about the 4-H Entomology Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.
4-H Communications Project, Spanish. 4H1107S. Amy Sollock. This project page, translated into Spanish, provides information about the 4-H Communications Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.
Making a Meal from What's on Hand. MF3534. Tandy Rundus. When cooking from whatever might be on hand in a pantry or refrigerator/freezer, think of a recipe as a basic roadmap to guide meal preparation. This fact sheet includes ingredient suggestions to mix and match for a variety of meals.
Bonding Thru Board Games: Soft Skills Cards. MF3530. Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena. Parents, guardians, and teachers have a responsibility in helping children develop the thinking and relationship-building skills needed to succeed. Board games offer perfect ground to develop these soft skills in a practical, protected environment. Use these cards to reinforce the concepts during game nights.