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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 23, 2021

Extension Updates

Submitted by Mark Stadtlander

Kansas 4-H Project Challenge — Wildlife Challenge: Tracking Wildlife. 4H1149. Daniel Skucius, Susan Schlichting. Wildlife leave signs that they’ve been in the area. In this challenge, youth will explore some of the ways to learn more about the wildlife in their area using the signs they leave behind.

4-H Environmental Science Project Page. 4H1139. Daniel Skucius. This project page provides information about the 4-H Environmental Science Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.

4-H Wildlife Project Page. 4H1140. Shannon Rogge. This project page provides information about the 4-H Wildlife Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.

4-H Sheep Project Page. 4H1142. Robyn Deines. This project page provides information about the 4-H Sheep Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.

4-H Swine Project Page. 4H1141. Robyn Deines. This project page provides information about the 4-H Swine Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a foundation for future learning and careers.