February 23, 2021
The Kansas Clover Classroom Needs YOU!
Submitted by Susan Schlichting

We are excited about the new Kansas Clover Classroom resource and wanted to share a couple of opportunities with you.
First, during the first six months (with only five projects posted) the KSRE bookstore has recorded 903 downloads! Think about what that use will look like with a 4-H Project Challenge posted in all project areas!
We are anxious to get new 4-H Project Challenges up and live in the Clover Classroom BEFORE Spring Break. In order to get this done, we are inviting anyone interested in helping develop 4-H Project Challenges to join us on March 3. We will meet from 9 – 11 and 1:30 – 3:30 to work on developing and writing challenges. You’ll be able to partner up with others in breakout rooms or work solo and share your work and ask questions as you write. We hope this will help us move things forward in a big way! Email me at sschlich@ksu.edu if you would like to join us and I'll send you the link.
Finally, watch the KS 4-H Facebook page for an announcement for you to share about the special drawing that we'll be offering. Each time a 4-H'er completes the evaluation survey they will be placed into a drawing for a fun 4-H item. We'll be drawing March 1 and April 1.
Thanks for your help in getting resources in place and 4-H members excited about using these new 4-H project resources!