April 27, 2021
COVID-19 Related 4-H Transportation Guidelines

While we are thankful for more and more in-person activities in Extension work, we must continue to demonstrate resolve in protecting our 4-H participants. In preparation for spring/summer 4-H activities including camp, livestock judging contests and other various educational experiences, agents have requested guidance regarding transportation of youth to such in-person events. The following transportation guidelines are similar to the KSRE meeting guidelines but has also been resourced by the most recent recommendations regarding travel.
The document is listed here: https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/employee_resources/covid-19/transportation-guidelines.pdf.
K-State protocols do not restrict transportation within the state of Kansas.
Current K-State travel policy states: Until further notice, no university-affiliated or sponsored out-of-state or international travel for employees or students is allowed. University-related travel in and around Kansas is not restricted at this time. Any exemptions to the K-State travel restrictions must be approved by appropriate department head and the co-chairs of the International Risk Advisory Working Group (IRAWG).
Please let me know (at wweber@ksu.edu) if you have any questions regarding travel.
As Dr. Hadley reminds us:
If and when these sections (prohibiting mask requirements) become law, we will follow the law.
Until then, we continue with our current protocols of:
• always offering virtual options when programmatically appropriate.
• masking, social distancing, and frequent hand-and-work-station-sanitization when meeting face to face.
• submitting our face-to-face notification form if the expected participation exceeds 50 participants (this changed as of our April Extension Update on April 2.
The statement I made at the April Extension Update, noting that our COVID-19 protocols may change rapidly, still applies. So, please stay tuned.