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  4. »A Note from the New Agent Coaching Team

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 9, 2021

A Note from the New Agent Coaching Team

Submitted by Kaitlyn Peine

It’s an exciting time for our K-State Research and Extension system. After several months of navigating our way through a hiring freeze, we are finally able to start filling our agent vacancies. In the early fall our system organized the new agent coaching team to provide leadership for the onboarding of new agents. The team of ten local unit extension agents is committed to working collaboratively to ensure the success of our new colleagues. We also want to recruit you to help support our new agents as they start their extension journey.

Do you remember what it felt like to be new to a team? Let’s be honest, it’s uncomfortable at first for most of us. It’s likely you have a new agent in your local unit or a neighboring county. Don’t forget to be a good neighbor. Extension is about building relationships with our colleagues and supporting each other. If you haven’t already, take the time to get to know our new colleagues. Stop by their office for a visit. Go to lunch or for a cup of coffee. Be sure to invite our new team members to collaborate on upcoming programs. It’s important we take the time to welcome our new coworkers to our extension family.

The old adage, “It takes a village,” has never been truer for our organization. We currently have over 30 agent vacancies. Our new agent coaching team is asking you to join us in ensuring the success of our new and existing coworkers. Our team wants to thank you for your commitment to K-State Research and Extension.

--Allen Baker, Wichita County Agriculture Agent; Michelle Beran, Cottonwood District 4-H Youth Development Agent; Liz Brunscheen-Cartagena, Sedgwick County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent; James Coover, Wildcat District Crop Production Agent; Justin Goodno, Barber County Agriculture Agent; Sarah Maass, Central Kansas District 4-H Youth Development Agent; Kaitlyn Peine, Douglas County 4-H Youth Development Agent; Anne Pitts, Harvey County 4-H/Family and Consumer Sciences Agent; Ashley Svaty, Post Rock District Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent; Matt Young, Brown County Agriculture Agent