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  4. »Step 3 on the Leadership Path: Create Change

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 29, 2022

Step 3 on the Leadership Path: Create Change

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

Equip To Lead

Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) offers high-quality professional development courses to K-State Research and Extension employees at no cost because they believe in our power to create change. If you've completed the first two KLC classes, you're ready for step 3: Equip to Lead.

All Equip to Lead courses are online again this year. Equip to Lead is designed for individuals and teams who see a need to build the capacity of more people in their system to exercise leadership. KLC gives you the skills to gain confidence in seizing opportunities as well as practical resources to share ideas. Learn and practice the facilitation techniques you need to build leadership in others and foster a culture of leadership within your organization and community. If you had to pay for this training, it would cost $449. The only thing you are responsible for is books. To register, follow the link and use code KSRE2022 instead of a credit card.

In addition to strengthening your grasp of our framework, you’ll learn to clearly communicate ideas, receive feedback and support from highly trained teachers, engage with other alumni and leave with skills to apply immediately in your particular context.

By attending Equip to Lead, you’ll join others with a common aspiration: to equip more people to move forward on what you care about within your organization, business, or community.

The two-day virtual class is offered in June, August, and late November. If you've completed the first two Kansas Leadership Center Classes, please consider enrolling for Equip to Lead. These classes will fill; please register early.