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  4. »Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

June 14, 2022

Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo

Submitted by Kelsey Nordyke

Wheat Expo Graphic

The Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo will educate Kansas youth about the Kansas wheat industry. The one day event will also provide opportunities for 4-H members to participate in and to be recognized in wheat education classes. Judging will be held for wheat classes, foods and photography. A 4-H judging contest will also be provided along with tours of the Stafford County Flour Mill; Osborne Fruits and Vegetables, a family owned, field-to-table produce business; and Spare Farms, a family owned produce business that markets vegetables sold at farmers markets in surrounding cities.

There is a $6.00 per person registration fee payable at the door. The program is partially sponsored by several other donors. The event includes one tour, opening refreshments, cash awards, ribbons, door prizes, contests and lunch.

Registration will open June 20 and close July 25. Register at https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YPaTL6cp5tHyzc.