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  4. »Local Landowner Hosts Demonstration and Field Day

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 23, 2022

Local Landowner Hosts Demonstration and Field Day

Submitted by Melissa Harvey

Kansas State University extension specialists will deliver a demonstration and field day in Russell, Kansas, on Tuesday, August 30.

Officials say the free event will offer expert advice to producers about how they can provide affordable alternative water systems for livestock.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. at Blundon Farms, located a quarter-mile north of Fairfield Road and 179th Road in Russell. Fresh cinnamon rolls will be served, and the program will last from 8:30-11 a.m.

The planned events will include presentations on management strategies for Johnsongrass, haying and grazing conditions. There will also be discussions about managing feedstuffs during drought conditions and how to incorporate cover crops in livestock operations. More information about the day is available online from the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment.

Workshop panelists will include KCARE watershed specialists Stacie Minson and Herschel George, as well as Keith Harmoney, K-State Range and Forage Scientist.

The field day is sponsored by the Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watersheds.