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  4. »2022 Kansas 4-H Camp Counselor Recognition

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 23, 2022

2022 Kansas 4-H Camp Counselor Recognition

Submitted by Amy Sollock

Recognizing young people for their participation and efforts in 4-H is one way to help them become self-directed, productive and contributing citizens. Each year, with the generous support of the Kansas Farm Bureau, we recognize our teens who serve in the role of 4-H camp counselor at overnight/residential camp experiences. Youth will receive a certificate, as well as a small token of appreciation.

Awards will be distributed in local unit packets from Centennial Hall during the 2022 Kansas State Fair. Many local units recognize and hand out the awards during their Achievement Night event in the fall, but each local unit can decide what is appropriate for their local recognition efforts.

Please complete this short survey for each youth who served as a 4-H camp counselor at a local overnight/residential camp or as a CIT at Rock Springs Ranch 4-H Camp in 2022. Deadline to submit Camp Counselors is August 26, 2022. Survey located here: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3kLLtbvj5rmISJ8.