May 7, 2024
Shout Out: Alicia Boor, Jay Harris, Jacob Schmeidler

This week the Shout Out is from Michelle Beran, Cottonwood Extension District; and is sent for Alicia Boor, Cottonwood Extension District Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jay Harris, Cottonwood Extension District Director, and Jacob Schmeidler, former Central Kansas Extension District Agent. Michelle writes:
"Our 4-H Livestock youth wanted to hold a showmanship clinic this spring and I knew in January that their selected date was a schedule conflict that I couldn’t move. Alicia and Jay stepped up to remind me that family is so important and that I would be at the family event and they would handle things on-site for that day! In the midst of final planning, my husband suffered a significant health event. While we were in the hospital, I had communication that the judging team who had planned to present at the clinic did not have volunteers – and we were only 10 days out from the event! In a panic, I reached out to Jacob Schmeidler of CKD who rounded up presenters and assured me that he would be there to assist Alicia and Jay however needed.
I was able to provide the needed care and attend an important family event because these three did not hesitate to step in to provide our Cottonwood-BT youth with important project learning. Knowing that I had a great team to manage and present that day allowed me to take a deep breath and be where I was needed; I cannot thank them enough!"
Alicia, Jay, and Jacob, thanks for all you do for the people of Kansas, our colleagues and K-State Research and Extension.
If you know of a colleague or team of colleagues who deserve recognition for a job well done, why not nominate them for a Shout Out. Simply send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to
Shout Out submissions are published in the order they are received.