July 9, 2024

Happy Summer!
This past June, the College of Agriculture and K-State Research and Extension Diversity Programs Office (DPO) were busy with our K-State JR MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences) summer events. Each of the JR MANRRS events strives to host underrepresented and urban middle school and high school students for an opportunity to explore majors and careers in the agriculture industry. The students also participate in hands-on activities surrounding agriculture. This summer the DPO partnered with National MANRRS, Cargill, the College of Agriculture Academic Programs, the Kansas Black Farmer’s Association (KBFA), the Willow Lake Student Farm, K-State Housing and Dining, and the K-State Departments of Entomology, Grain Science and Industry, Agronomy, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness, and Animal Sciences & Industry. This summer, the DPO hosted four K-State JR MANRRS events.
On May 30, the DPO hosted Topeka KSU JR MANRRS who brought 11 students for a JR MANRRS College for a Day. The group learned about the College of Agriculture, scholarships, and were able to tour the K-State Meat Sciences unit. The group also enjoyed eating in Kramer dining center and touring the dorms.
On June 10, the DPO hosted Salina TRIO Upward Bound for a K-State JR MANRRS College for a Day. The group brought 32 students to learn about K-State College of Agriculture. Throughout the day, the students were able to tour the Sheep and Meat Goats Unit and receive a driving tour of the Agronomy and Animal Science farms.
On June 18, the DPO hosted Kansas City High Aspirations for a K-State JR MANRRS College for a Day. The group brought 19 students to campus to learn about K-State College of Agriculture. Throughout the day, the students had the opportunity to make baked goods and learn about the milling science processes.
Finally, June 23-28, the DPO hosted 26 students for the Switzer/KSU JR MANRRS Ag Camp for Youth in partnership with the Kansas Black Farmers Association. A $145,000 grant from Cargill and sponsorship from the Kansas Agriculture Conversation Districts and NRCS made this camp possible. The students stayed on K-State Manhattan campus for three days to learn about K-State and the College of Agriculture, then they traveled to Western KS where they visited stayed in the historic town of Nicodemus, KS and visited Cargill Horizons in WaKeeney, KS and USDA NRCS in Osborne, KS. During their time at K-State, the campers participated in a variety of activities including interactive activities with the K-State Insect Zoo, Willow Lake Student Farm, Dairy Farm, Bakery Science, Milling Science, and K-State Gardens
Continued thanks to all of our partners who make these events possible. Please continue to look for more diversity activities as we continue to advertise. We appreciate your support. For more information about upcoming events or to collaborate with the DPO, please call 785-532-5793 or Dr. Zelia Wiley at zwiley@ksu.edu.