July 16, 2024
The Face of Invoicing and Volunteering Screening

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Dana Barthelmas (dabarthe@ksu.edu). I am the new program assistant/front desk at the State 4-H Office. A brief background of myself, I grew up in Minnesota where I was a part of 4-H for many years. Out of high school, I joined the Coast Guard where I worked for 6 years. I recently moved to Kansas because my husband got stationed at Fort Riley. I am very excited to be working with 4-H again, as I enjoyed it a lot when I was younger. In the office, I will provide logistics for statewide programmatic volunteer screening, invoicing, and local unit extension office communications.
A few reminders when it comes to invoicing. It is important to keep up to date on paying invoices that are due. Invoices for your local unit can be found by going into the Kansas 4-H Youth Development team> Selecting the Educational Experiences channel> Select Files at the top> Selecting the State Events folder. Within the State Events folder, you can find your invoices and registration details. It is also important to write separate checks for the separate invoices. Invoices from different events go into different accounts depending on the event. When there is one check for multiple invoices, we are unable to track that check to its coordinating event payment. Be sure to check on the invoices for who to make the checks payable to. Checks will be made to either Kansas State University 4-H or Kansas 4-H Foundation.
Be on the lookout for the next criminal background check (CBC) invoice to be going out in either September or October.
If you have any questions, please email the Kansas 4-H email (kansas4h@ksu.edu).