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  4. »Kansas 4-H Thriving Study Update

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

July 16, 2024

Kansas 4-H Thriving Study Update

Submitted by Sarah E. Maass

Thank you for promoting the Kansas 4-H Thriving Study.  As of July 11, we have a total of 553 surveys completed (295 responses from our 10-12 year old youth and 258 responses for our 13 and older youth).  One more reminder will go out on Monday, July 15 and the survey will close on July 21.

We know how competitive some of you are and we would like to offer YOUR local Extension unit a couple of incentives on promoting this.  You can keep up with the responses from your local Extension unit by checking out this 4-H Youth Thrive Dashboard.  It is kept in real time. 

The incentives will be based off of the number of youth enrolled and the percentage of those who completed the survey.  The Extension units with the highest response rate percentage of completed surveys will receive the following:

First Place Extension Unit: 

-  During the 2024 Extension Annual Conference:

    • One vehicle will be eligible for free student union garage parking
    • One free admission to Clover Night, sponsored by KAE4-HA

-  $50 Amazon gift card

Second Place Extension Unit:

- During the 2024 Extension Annual Conference:

    • One vehicle will be eligible for free student union garage parking
    • One free admission to Clover Night, sponsored by KAE4-HA

- $25 Amazon gift card

Third & Fourth Place Extension Units:

- During the 2024 Extension Annual Conference:

    • One vehicle will be eligible for free student union garage parking
    • One free admission to Clover Night, sponsored by KAE4-HA

Thank you for promoting and supporting the Kansas 4-H Thrive evaluation!