July 16, 2024
The Community Health Corner

The National Extension Framework for Health Equity and Well-being recommends using community development strategies and health literacy programs to ensure that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. The following resources help us improve well-being for all, and achieve Healthy Kansas 2030 and Healthy People 2030 objectives.
Health Equity Webinar on Transportation: Join the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), KFMC and the Community Care Network of Kansas on (Wednesday) July 31, 12pm-1:30pm for a webinar that highlights communities across Kansas tackling transportation challenges that impact health. Learn about Kansas Mobility Management, a public transportation strategy sponsored by the Kansas Department of Transportation. Learn more here, and register at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlduigpz0rEtYZ75MD70sRfvF8-4vRnwOt
New National and State Child Maltreatment Data: Child Trends has released their online resource of state and national data on child maltreatment, foster care, kinship caregiving, permanency, and older youth in care. For example, though the 2022 rate of referrals to the Kansas Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) for maltreatment was higher in Kansas at 65.8 than the rate of 49.1 for the nation (per 1,000 children), the rate of confirmed maltreatment was lower in Kansas at 2.7 than the nation’s rate of 7.6. The interactive data national map, companion guide and reporting functions are available at the Child Trends website.
August is Civic Health Month: Civic Health Month is a national celebration to showcase the evidence-based relationship between health care, healthy communities, and civic participation. Civic Health measures are now available among the County Health Rankings. Join the Healthy Democracy Healthy People, the Civic Health Alliance, and nonpartisan Vot-ER organization for free webinars and resources to build awareness of the link between health and civic engagement. Use this link to find a list of 44 evidence-informed strategies that strengthen community connections that make civic participation possible.
For more information, contact Elaine Johannes, ejohanne@ksu.edu; and Stephanie Gutierrez, smgutier@k-state.edu