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  4. »January 1 Deadline to Submit Excellence in Board Leadership Assessment

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

December 3, 2024

January 1 Deadline to Submit Excellence in Board Leadership Assessment

Submitted by Laurie Chandler

By January 1, local extension boards should complete the Excellence in Board Leadership Assessment (PDF). This tool helps boards assess their effectiveness and identify areas to strengthen.

The Excellence in Board Leadership Assessment is a joint project between the State Extension Advisory Council and extension administration. It was introduced at the KSRE Partnership Meeting in 2011 as a tool to support local K-State Research and Extension boards in leadership and development. The assessment is designed for board members to review early in the year and determine areas to work on throughout the year.

At the end of the year, each board member completes the assessment and reflects on the progress that has been made throughout the year. Boards that achieve a standard for 2024 will be recognized for their accomplishments at the January Partnership meeting.

Once board members have completed the assessment, the board chair or local unit director will determine the final ranking and enter the results in the 2024 Excellence in Board Leadership survey or email a PDF of the final assessment to Laurie Chandler, lchandle@ksu.edu by January 1.

Last year, 54 of 67 local units completed their self-assessment — an 81% completion rate. We look forward to seeing your local unit assessment for 2024!