January 14, 2025
ESP Burnout to Brilliance Workshops
Our Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) chapter is excited to announce our Burnout to Brilliance workshops that will be held around the state in March and April. Alpha Rho members Anna Muir and Candis Stiles have planned a day for ESP members and new Extension Agents to connect with each other, learn new skills and re-energize in their work.
Some of the topics include ESP Purpose, Time Management Tips and Tricks, Group Discussion Strategies, Problem Solving Technique and time to connect with colleagues. All of the locations will start at 10:00 am and wrap up at 3:00 pm to allow for driving time. Registration is to cover the cost of lunch and is $15, payable day of the workshop. You don’t have to office in the area you register for, we just wanted to make convenient locations for all members. You do have to be a current ESP member or an Agent that has started since January, 2022.
ESP is all about uplifting the profession of Extension Educators and this workshop will do just that! If you would like more information about being a member and what the benefits are feel free to contact Candis Stiles, current ESP Alpha Rho Chair at candism@ksu.edu.
March 27 - Topeka, KS
March 28 - Parsons, KS
April 24 - Garden City, KS
April 25 - Hays, KS
Register Here: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ID9R0z5bevjbH8