February 4, 2025
Shout Out: Hunger Free Kansas Mini-Grant Applicants
This week the Shout Out is from Clara Misenhelter, Program Manager, Rural Grocery Initiative and Rebecca McMahon, Local Food System Program Administrator; and is sent for Hunger Free Kansas Mini-Grant Applicants. Clara and Rebecca write:
"For all the Hunger Free Kansas Mini-Grant Applicants – We were so impressed by the depth of knowledge, creativity, and connection to your communities that were on display in the mini-grant applications! They showcased the best of what KSRE can be when serving our communities! Added to the fact that you had a short timeline with holidays and snowstorms as part of the package, the applications were impressive! We received over $400,000 worth of requests from 30 applications, making our selection process a great challenge to have."
Hunger Free Kansas Mini-Grant Applicants -- thanks for all you do for the people of Kansas, our colleagues and K-State Research and Extension.
If you know of a colleague or team of colleagues who deserve recognition for a job well done, why not nominate them for a Shout Out. Simply send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to ksreshoutout@ksu.edu.
Shout Out submissions are published in the order they are received.