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  4. »Congratulations to New Program Leader Coordinators

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 4, 2025

Congratulations to New Program Leader Coordinators

Submitted by Rick Peterson

The search for program leader coordinators in the areas of Family and Consumer Sciences (2 positions available) and Agriculture and Natural Resources (1 position available) has been completed. The new program leader coordinators will start their roles in February.

The role of the PLC is to facilitate the advancement of educational programming and evaluation efforts to better communicate our outcomes. Among responsibilities are to work collaboratively with Program Focus Teams (PFT) and Transdisciplinary Teams (TDT) to enhance agent training and professional development opportunities, review action plans, PFT budgets and attend North Central program leader meetings.

I would like to congratulate Sandy Johnson, extension beef specialist and professor, as our new Agriculture and Natural Resources program leader coordinator. Sandy will work with Cheryl Boyer, who extended her role as Agriculture and Natural Resources program leader coordinator.

Congratulations to Erin Martinez, associate professor and extension state specialist; and Sharolyn Flaming Jackson, extension specialist on their recent appointment to program leader coordinator roles for Family and Consumer Sciences.

I look forward to working with our new program leader coordinators.