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  4. »Board Excellence Newsletter to Local Extension Board Members

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

January 5, 2016

Board Excellence Newsletter to Local Extension Board Members

Submitted by Daryl Buchholz

Local Extension board members have just received an email with a link to the latest issue of the Board Excellence newsletter.

If you have board members who do not have an email address would you please copy the newsletter and mail to them. Also, if you have board members for whom you haven't provided an email address to the area office please do that so that the members will receive future newsletters.

The purpose of the newsletter is to strengthen and equip local boards for their responsibilities.

Board meetings are a great time to re-enforce the content of the newsletter. Here is the link to the most recent issue:
