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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 2, 2016

Marketing Minute

Submitted by Megan Macy

I had a fantastic time touring the state and meeting so many dedicated and passionate people during the partnership meetings! I hope to begin doing a marketing minute at least once a quarter to address marketing questions and possibly provide tips and tricks.

As you will soon learn from me, I place a big emphasis on building a strong brand image through consistency. With the help of several very talented co-workers, we worked to develop a consistent message to share with the legislature during the Dean’s legislative report at the beginning of January. The design work, messaging and imagery were consistent throughout the presentation and annual report in order to deliver a powerful message that was very well received. I encourage you to begin utilizing this messaging as you work to share the value of K-State Research and Extension in your community.

One of the key takeaways I came back from the partnership meetings with was to develop consistent messaging for you to use to share K-State Research and Extension’s story with stakeholders. I will be working on these talking points in the immediate future and hope to share these resources with you soon!

I am very excited to begin working with each of you to provide the resources you need to develop more consistent branding and messaging for K-State Research and Extension and the programs you promote.

Resources provided to the legislature can be found here, http://www.k-state.edu/challenges/legislative-presentation.html. The Dean’s PowerPoint presentation can be found here, http://www.communications.k-state.edu/communication-services/presentations.html.