February 7, 2017
Good Savings Habits Start at Home!
Submitted by Kate Mielitz--GRA Extension

Good savings habits start at home. Whether you’re budgeting, saving, making retirement decisions, or assessing work-place benefits, share the choices you make with your children, no matter their age.
Allow children to help find ways to save! Child age-appropriate activities may include:
- Cutting out coupons.
- Looking for price differences at the store.
- Helping choose a vacation spot.
- Helping to cook at home, rather than dining out.
- Helping to choose a free entertainment activity (park, library, family walk, dance party with the whole family)
America Saves Week is February 27- March 4! Commit to a family savings plan! What are you saving for? Share your savings goals and you could win!
Take the Kansas $aves Pledge today!