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  4. »Transition from Kansas Extension Agent Association (KEAA) to Kansas Joint Council...

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

December 12, 2017

Transition from Kansas Extension Agent Association (KEAA) to Kansas Joint Council of Extension Professionals (KS-JCEP)

Submitted by Rachael Boyle

The Kansas Extension Agent Association is in the transition process to the Kansas Joint Council of Extension Professionals. Kansas Extension Professionals that are currently active in a partner association recognized by the National Joint Council of Extension Professionals are members of the Kansas Joint Council of Extension Professionals.

Those serving as officers and comprising the Executive Committee are as follows:
President - Rachael Boyle (KACAA)
President Elect - Nancy Honig (KEAFCS)
Secretary/Treasurer - Chris Petty (KACAA)
Past President - Jill Martinson (KAE4-HA)
Vice Presidents - Sarah Keatley (KAE4-HA), John Forshee (ESP), Krista Harding (KACAA), Jan Steen (KACDEP), and Ethel Schneweis (KEAFCS)

Each partner organization will have two additional association representatives that will serve on the Kansas Joint Council of Extension Professionals Board of Directors along with the Executive Committee members.

There are standing committees and all members will have the opportunity to serve and get involved. The committees are as follows: Association Awareness/Membership Recruitment, Finance, Marketing and Outreach, Professional Development, and Employee Relations.

If you have any suggestions, concerns, and/or information to pass along, please contact one of the Executive Committee members.

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