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  4. »Mentor Workshops Scheduled

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 6, 2018

Mentor Workshops Scheduled

Submitted by Stacey Warner

In a recent survey, a new agent hired within the past two years stated, "I am extremely pleased with the new agent mentor program. It allowed me the freedom to ask questions and know I have someone looking out for me at all times. It has been an important part of my development as an ag agent."

In order to continue to highlight and strengthen the mentor program, two upcoming mentor workshops are scheduled - March 27 in Garden City and March 28 in Manhattan. (Workshops in Emporia and Salina in February were canceled because of weather).

These workshops recognize that everyone has a role in mentoring new agents - those who are assigned mentors, those who have a new agent colleague, those who are "neighbors" to new agents, specialists who support new agents and anyone else who interacts with new hires. All are invited to participate.

To register, go to the Employee Resources Registrations page. There is a $20 fee which includes snacks and lunch. Workshop facilitators will be Gregg Hadley, Laurie Chandler and Stacey Warner.