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  4. »First Friday-- Angel Investing 101

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

April 30, 2019

First Friday-- Angel Investing 101

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

First Friday Call

The First Friday entrepreneurship call is Friday, May 3, at  9:30 a.m. Trish Brasted, CEO of the Wichita Technology Corporation, will speak on "Angel Investing 101." Brasted will explain what  an Angel Investor is, when they can help entrepreneurs and what the Kansas programs are that can help.

The purpose of the First Friday e-Call is to make connections to the experts, education and economic resources available to help small businesses and entrepreneurs. The call is open to any interested person. Please share the information as you see fit.  To join the call, email Nancy Daniels at nkdaniels@ksu.edu.