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  4. »Shout Out: Laurie Chandler, Susie Wilkinson, and Jennifer Wilson

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

June 23, 2020

Shout Out: Laurie Chandler, Susie Wilkinson, and Jennifer Wilson

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

This week’s Shout Out comes from Associate Director for Field Operations Jim Lindquist and is sent to Laurie Chandler, Susie Wilkinson, and Jennifer Wilson. Jim writes:

“A few months ago, we started the Friday Extension Updates to help us communicate about and deal with the often changing COVID-19 challenge. The Friday Extension Update provided administrative updates, information on new programming and professional development opportunities, and time to ask and discuss questions critical to the success of our mission.

Behind the scenes, Laurie Chandler, Susie Wilkinson, and Jennifer Wilson worked tirelessly and so well together to help produce the weekly Update. Sometimes the Update could be planned ten days in advance. Due to the rapidly changing environment, however, they sometimes had to completely change the Update the day before or even during the Update. Despite those challenges, they never failed to pull off a successful show.

I want to give Laurie, Susie, and Jennifer a Shout Out for all the work they did producing the Friday Extension Update. It was a great example of working together to provide great information to our Extension system.”

Laurie, Susie, and Jennifer, thanks for all you do for the people we serve, your colleagues, and K-State Research and Extension.

If you would like to nominate a colleague or team of colleagues for a Shout Out, please send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to ghadley@ksu.edu.