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  4. »Shout Out: Andrea Wood, Kallie Turner, and Trisha Greene

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

November 17, 2020

Shout Out: Andrea Wood, Kallie Turner, and Trisha Greene

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

This week’s Shout Out comes from K-State Research and Extension Stafford County agent Amy Collins. Amy wrote:

“I would like to give a Shout Out to Andrea Wood, Kallie Turner and Trisha Greene, respectively; also agents in Edwards, Pratt, Stafford, Kingman and Barber counties for working together to offer Officer Training via Zoom to 132 4-H members and community leaders in the South-Central Kansas area. -It was a new undertaking for all of us, but specifically for those doing all the technology work behind the scenes. -It was a great way to offer the training during the pandemic. -It certainly helped our 4-H members receive the training they needed and meet other 4-H members along the way.”

Andrea, Kallie, and Trisha (plus all of the other participating Extension professionals), thank you for all you do to help the people we serve, your colleagues, and K-State Research and Extension.

If you know a colleague or team of colleagues you believe have done something extraordinary and deserve a Shout Out, please send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to ghadley@ksu.edu.