April 20, 2021
Proper Disposal of Medicines Protects You and Your Earth!
Safe storage and disposal of prescription medications, especially opioids, is critical to protecting the environment and your family’s health! In fact, 80% of heroin users say their addiction started with prescription opioids. Do not be a contributor to the opioid crisis or by polluting water by simply throwing prescription medicines into the trash, or flushing them down the toilet where they end up in our waterways and eventually our drinking water.
Let’s celebrate our lives and the planet by safely disposing of prescription drugs at a local law enforcement agency that is participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, Saturday, April 24, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
To learn more or to find the take-back site closest to you, visit https://www.sbeap.org/waste-management/safe-disposal. The service is free and anonymous — no questions asked!