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  4. »Informational Meeting- Women in Ag Series 2022

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

June 1, 2021

Informational Meeting- Women in Ag Series 2022

Submitted by Robin Reid

Many of you are familiar with the Farm Financial Series for Kansas Women in Ag that was held in January/February 2019. If not, in a nutshell this was a hybrid-delivery program that was held one night a week for 4 weeks in a row. LaVell Winsor, K-State Farm Analyst, and I (Robin Reid) did a keynote address via Zoom to 32 in-person locations across Kansas where host agents then facilitated a hands-on activity and local speakers. This was a highly successful program, bringing in 685 participants and receiving a KSRE Team Award, KACAA award, and numerous other recognitions.

The program will return in January/February 2022! While the format will look the same, the topics will not focus on financials as much, but instead, Risk Management: including crop insurance, marketing, government programs and cost of production. This will be a signature program for the Farm Management PFT for programming year 2021/2022.

LaVell and I will be hosting an informational Zoom meeting to kick the project off on June 17, at 9 a.m. This meeting will be to introduce the project and gather feedback from agents regarding dates/times, registration cost, local topics, etc. Anyone who may be interested in hosting a site or being a part of the project in some way should plan to attend. We will record and post the meeting in TEAMS afterward for those who cannot make it live. We will not actually set host sites until later in September/October and likely will not announce registration until December 1.

One change from the previous program is that we will only be focusing on traditional crop operations and possibly cattle operations (something to discuss at this meeting). While we recognize and value the contributions of urban agriculture and horticulture production, the risk management topics we will be focusing on this time do not translate well to horticulture production like the financial topics did unfortunately.

For connection information for the meeting, please contact Robin Reid at robinreid@ksu.edu. Many of you have already received the Zoom invite on the AgAgent listserv or if you were involved in the 2019 program.