January 11, 2022
Registration for Citizenship Washington Focus is Now Open
Submitted by Aliah K. Mestrovich Seay
Citizenship Washington Focus is an opportunity to road trip across the USA and learn about our country's democracy. On the trip, youth can stop to see Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and the Liberty Bell while they meet, learn, share and tour with youth from other states and respected resource people. Upon arrival, youth will have a chance to visit government departments, historic sites and memorials while getting an up close and personal view of the political process through visits to Capitol Hill.
Programming includes participating in workshops and assembly groups to learn life skills and discuss possible solutions to domestic and international problems. Youth will also get the chance to meet with the Kansas Congressional and Senate delegations to discuss legislative issues, interact with 4-H members from other states and learn and share about 4-H and other interests and issues. The deadline to register is January 15, 2022.
To register, visit https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8wzPG7DJxEOCSr4.
For questions, please contact Aliah Mestrovich Seay at aliah@ksu.edu.