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  4. »Thanking Those Who Helped You Become Who You Are

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

October 25, 2022

Thanking Those Who Helped You Become Who You Are

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

Last week was our annual conference with the theme, “Connect, Collaborate, and Create." There were many things from the conference that stick out in mind. I will write about them over the next few weeks.

I will emphasize two things today. First, during our concurrent session, keynote speaker Jones Loflin indicated that being an extension professional is more about being a guide than being a deliverer of content. Rather than telling people what to do, we guide people along through their challenges and difficult decisions, helping them to decide what to do -- rather than telling them what to do.

Second, I was amazed by the number of our retired extension professionals that attended and engaged in our conference. It was nice seeing our retired colleagues and friends.

What does Jones Loflin’s take on being an extension professional and our retirees have in common?

Seeing all of our retirees made me think about all of the extension professionals that acted as guides by mentoring dozens (if not hundreds) of colleagues through the years – including me. I was in awe thinking about how many colleagues they have helped to become even better extension professionals.

We all have had both formal and informal mentors and co-mentors in our lives. One of my mentors and I happen to share something in common: that is, one of our heroes is Fred Rogers. We share videos, memes and quotes of Mr. Rogers with each other whenever the opportunity occurs.

Recently I shared with them Mr. Rogers' acceptance speech of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Emmy Awards. Both of us had seen it numerous times and enjoy it even more each time we watch it. Mr. Rogers stayed true to form. He deflected the praise and put it on all the people that had loved and helped him in his life and career. He asked the audience and viewers to take 10 seconds to think about those who “helped you become who you are.”

We do not become who we are in our careers without the guiding wisdom of our mentors. Whether you have an extension career that spans three days or three decades, someone has guided you to and along our extension professional path.

I ask that you take 10 seconds in your busy week to think about those who helped you become the extension professional you are. Then, take the additional time to tell them you appreciate their guiding wisdom. You can do that in your own way. It may be taking them out to breakfast, messaging them, calling them up or posting their names on our Difference Makers Facebook page.

No matter how you decide to do it, just make sure you tell them you appreciate them for guiding you on your journey to becoming an even better extension professional.