January 31, 2023
Professional Development Opportunity: Introduction to GIS and ArcGIS Pro Software Offered for County Agents

Exclusively for county agents and extension specialists, this hands-on workshop will teach the fundamentals of GIS, develop basic skills in using GIS software and introduce ArcGIS Pro. By the end of the two-day training, participants will be able to work with vector and raster GIS files, create maps in ArcGIS Pro, and will complete a mapping project specific to their professional needs.
This professional development event will be held on May 23-24, 2023, on the K-State campus in Manhattan. The training is led by extension specialists and agents experienced in using GIS software in environmental applications. Basic prior GIS experience is recommended but not required to participate. Interested extension professionals will be asked to complete an online questionnaire by February 15, 2023. The link to this survey will be emailed to agents and specialists on February 1.
The Introduction to GIS training is free of charge, and the Natural Resources PFT will reimburse lodging expenses for participants who require an overnight stay in Manhattan.
This professional development training is offered as part of a series of extension agent workshops from the Natural Resources PFT. More details about this, and previous trainings in this series, can be found on the KCARE website. Training materials are available in the Natural Resources PFT channel in Microsoft Teams.
Those with questions about this professional development workshop can email Aleksey Sheshukov, ashesh@ksu.edu; or KCARE, kstatekcare@ksu.edu.