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  4. »KSFMNP and DUFB Nutrition Incentive Programs Webinar for KSRE Personnel

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 21, 2023

KSFMNP and DUFB Nutrition Incentive Programs Webinar for KSRE Personnel

Submitted by Erin Bishop

All interested KSRE personnel are invited to join a live webinar on Wednesday, March 22, from 1-2 p.m. to learn more about the Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) and the Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) program and how your county or district can get involved. Please register for the free webinar at https://ksu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErc--qqjgqGtd4GXlMThNRiFHxPK6ShsxQ.

The Kansas SFMNP (https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/1041/Kansas-Senior-Farmers-Market-Nutrition-P) is funded by the USDA to provide low-income seniors $50 in vouchers to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and honey directly from SFMNP certified farmers in Kansas. Seniors apply and receive benefits from a local distribution agency. The Kansas SFMNP is continually seeking eligible farmers to participate, new distribution agencies in unserved Kansas counties and regions to expand the program, and eligible seniors to apply. Learn more about how the Kansas SFMNP operates and benefits local communities and farmers and ways you could get involved. Courtney Koenig, Kansas Department of Health and Environment Program Manager, will be presenting on this topic.

A map of current counties being served can be found here: https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/ImageRepository/Document?documentId=9218. A list of Kansas SFMNP voucher distribution agencies can be found here: https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/ImageRepository/Document?documentId=9267.

The DUFB program (https://www.doubleupheartland.org/) provides a matching incentive for individuals shopping at participating locations using the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to purchase additional fresh fruits and vegetables. DUFB is a national model and the Kansas and Missouri Double Up Heartland Collaborative is funded by USDA GusNIP grants and private match funds. The program currently operates in 36 farmers markets and farm stands and 33 grocery stores in Kansas with new locations joining in 2023. A map of current farmers markets, farm stands, and grocers can be found here: https://www.doubleupheartland.org/locations/. KSRE Agents play a key role in engagement, capacity building, community outreach and location participation for DUFB. Donna Martin, Mid America Regional Council; and Erin Bishop, KSRE; will be presenting on this topic.

In addition to learning more about each program’s opportunities, we have invited several agents and specialists to share their experiences, partnerships, and keys to success with the Kansas SFMNP and DUFB.

For more information, please reach out to Erin Bishop, KSRE Double Up Food Bucks Program Manager, at erbish@ksu.edu.