September 5, 2023
Strengthening Connections for Faculty and 4-H Youth

Mark your calendars for October 6, 2023 when K-State Research and Extension and the College of Health and Human Services (HHS) lock arms to provide a unique college experience for both extension faculty and 4-H youth! Wild About FCS has returned with an exciting twist.
Historically, Wild About FCS has targeted FCS teachers and their students from across the state. This year, the scope of the event is expanded to include K-State Research and Extension and the youth they work with through 4-H.
Thanks to financial support from our agency, we are able to use this event for content-specific updates and insights from various faculty across the college. The morning will offer two tracks of sessions. One track is designed for FCS professionals while a second track is designed for high school youth that have shown interest in FCS content and/or careers. Following lunch, there will be several panel discussions for all attendees and the closing session will include an invitation to engage in HHS and extension activities and career tracks in the future.
There will be a nominal registration fee of $10 per youth and $30 per adult which includes snacks, lunch, and programming resources. Participants will gather in Hoffman Lounge in Justin Hall to sign in and for announcements from 8 - 8:30. The day's events will conclude with optional tours of programs and projects of HHS faculty and students.
At the conclusion of the day, a send-off event will include Call Hall ice cream and a visit from our mystery guest! Join us on K-State campus in Justin Hall for this one-of-a-kind professional development opportunity immersion and partnership building event. Registration information will be posted soon, so save the date and watch your e-mail. You'll want to act fast as the registration is capped for 120 participants!