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  4. »Shout Out: Jan Steen

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 20, 2024

Shout Out: Jan Steen

Submitted by Gregg Hadley

This week the Shout Out is from Jaime Menon, Community Vitality State Program Leader; and is sent for Jan Steen, Community Vitality Specialist and Co-Coordinator for the Kansas Community Empowerment Program. Jaime writes:

"Shoutout to Jan Steen, Community Vitality Specialist and Co-Coordinator for the Kansas Community Empowerment Program, for his support to local communities through his grant searches.

Sometimes community volunteers are overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of the internet when searching for funding opportunities. They are looking for a specific amount of funding for a very specific project. Enter Jan Steen, who utilizes PIVOT and navigates the net to generate a list of focused funding sources that sets the inquiring community on a path of opportunity and success. To date, communities have reported $1,440,382.00 in successful grants…due to Jan’s effort, skill and diligence.

Awesome doesn’t even seem fitting enough an adjective for that type of success! THANK YOU Jan, for making a difference for Kansas communities!"

Jan, thanks for all you do for the people of Kansas, our colleagues and K-State Research and Extension.

If you know of a colleague or team of colleagues who deserve recognition for a job well done, why not nominate them for a Shout Out. Simply send their name(s) and the reason for the Shout Out to ksreshoutout@ksu.edu.

Shout Out submissions are published in the order they are received.