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  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »Register Now for Livestock PFT Professional Development Meeting April 16-77

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 19, 2024

Register Now for Livestock PFT Professional Development Meeting April 16-77

Submitted by Sandy Johnson

The Livestock PFT invites all interested agents to join them in Manhattan on April 16-17 for a professional development meeting focused on campus ASI animal units and associated research. Please eat lunch on your own then be ready to carpool from the Stanely Stout Center by 12:30 pm on April 16th. Stops that afternoon will include KABSU (Kansas Animal Breeders Service Unit), Campus Feed Mill and the Beef Stocker Unit. We will return to the Stout Center for our evening meal. The next morning, we will see the Precision Intake Unit, take a virtual tour of the swine unit, and get an update on the dairy facility. The detailed agenda is on TEAMS.

To reserve a hotel room at the Bluemont for the night of April 16, at the conference rate of $109 plus tax, indicate you are booking under the room blocks for the Livestock PFT Meeting or mention the group code PFT0424 by March 31st. Rooms can also be booked online with the following steps.
• Go to https://bluemonthotel.com
• Click on the BOOK ONLINE button at the top of the page.
• In the pop-up booking window, click on ADVANCED OPTIONS, and select “I have a Group Number”. Don’t try to enter the group code in the “Promo Code” box.
• In the next pop-up window, enter code PFT0424, and click on GO.
• You can now review available room types, group pricing, and make your reservation.

The PFT will help cover lodging for those that register under the block by the deadline. If you need help identifying a roommate let us know. Please RSVP your attendance to the meeting by March 31st via this link https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_86OyrrSPLmR93w2 
For questions contact PFT leaders Clinton Laflin, cllaflin@ksu.edu; Alicia D. Boor, aboor@ksu.edu; Kelsi Luman, kjwertz@ksu.edu; Sandy Johnson, sandyj@ksu.edu.