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  4. »K-State Highlights Ongoing Engagement from Two Years of Presidential Community Visits

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

May 28, 2024

K-State Highlights Ongoing Engagement from Two Years of Presidential Community Visits

Submitted by Jennifer Tidball

This map shows the 18 counties and surrounding regions that K-State visited during two years of community visits.

Kansas State University continues its commitment as the university for Kansans.

K-State President Richard Linton and a team of K-State faculty, staff and students spent the past two years engaging with Kansans across the state through the presidential regional community visit initiative. At these intentional visits — which involved K-State Research and Extension units across the state — K-State engaged with Kansans in all 105 counties. The university continues building on new partnerships and engagement opportunities from the visits.

Read the full news release and watch a video to learn more about the community visits.

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