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  4. »Exciting Updates from the HAPp Program

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

May 28, 2024

Exciting Updates from the HAPp Program

Submitted by Stephanie Gutierrez


Announcing the First Edition of the HAPp Newsletter:

We are thrilled to announce the release of the first edition of the HAPp Newsletter! This publication is designed to keep you informed about all the latest developments, success stories, and upcoming events related to the HAPp program. Inside, you'll find insights from Agents on why they do this impactful work, inspiring success stories from participants, and information on the importance of monitoring blood pressure for maintaining good health. We invite you to explore this edition and share your feedback to help us make future issues even better.

HAPp Program Continues to Grow:

We are excited to announce another round of the HAPp program for the Fiscal Year 2025. The continued support and positive feedback from Agents and participants have been overwhelming, and we are eager to expand our reach and impact even further. Stay tuned for detailed information on updates, training, and new features that will be introduced in the upcoming round!

HAPp Team Presents at the National Health Outreach Conference:

Earlier this month the HAPp team had the honor of presenting at the National Health Outreach Conference in Greenville, SC. The presentation focused on the innovative approaches and successes of the HAPp program, demonstrating how it can be adopted by Extension educators and public health professionals in various communities. The response was positive, with several attendees expressing interest in implementing similar initiatives in their own regions. This success is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our HAPp Agents, whose commitment to promoting health and wellness through community engagement and collaboration has made the program what it is today. We are excited about the potential for broader adoption of the HAPp program nationwide.

If you are interested in learning more about HAPp or would like to launch a program in your county please contact ejohanne@ksu.edu and smgutier@ksu.edu

In this issue

From KSRE Administration
Local, Regional and Statewide Extension Events
Human Resource Information
Health and Wellness
Publications Update
Calendar of Events