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  4. »Informational Meeting- Women in Ag. Series 2025 Call for Host Sites

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 27, 2024

Informational Meeting- Women in Ag. Series 2025 Call for Host Sites

Submitted by Robin Reid

Many of you are familiar with the Power of Negotiation & Communication: Land Leasing Strategies for Midwestern Ag Women that was held in January/February 2023, Risk Management for Kansas Women in Ag. series held in January/February 2022, and Farm Financial Series for Kansas Women in Ag. that was held in January/February 2019. If not, in a nutshell these were hybrid-delivered programs that were held one night a week for 4 weeks in a row. LaVell Winsor, K-State Farm Analyst, and myself (Robin Reid) did a keynote address via Zoom to in-person host locations across Kansas where host Extension Agents then facilitated a hands-on activity and local speakers. This was a highly successful program, bringing in 589 participants across three states in 2023, 340 participants in 2022, and 685 participants in 2019. Each year, the program has had around 30 host sites across the state of Kansas and has now expanded to include Nebraska and Indiana.

The program will return in January/February 2025! While the format will look the same, the topic this coming year will focus on Farm Transition, including motivation for succession planning, communication, financial aspects of estate and transfer plans, and legal aspects of putting your plan into place. This will be a signature program for the Farm Management PFT for programming year 2024/2025. 

LaVell, Ashlee Westerhold (Director of the Office of Farm and Ranch Transition) and I will be hosting an informational Zoom meeting to kick the project off on September 4th at 1:00 pm on Zoom. This meeting will introduce the project, answer and ask questions of agents that want to be involved, and kick off the host site registration! Anyone that may be interested in hosting a site or being a part of the project in some way should plan to attend. We will record and send it out afterwards for those that cannot make it live. Agents will have until October 1st to register as a host site.

Connection information was sent out on the Ag Agent listserv. If you did not receive it but want to be involved (traditionally this has been a cross-discipline project so FCS, 4-H, or CD agents you are welcome!), please reach out to Robin Reid robinreid@ksu.edu. There is no obligation to be involved in the project by joining the informational Zoom meeting.   

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