September 17, 2024
Pollution Prevention Week is September 16-20

K-State's Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) encourages you to participate in Pollution Prevention, or P2, Week, September 16-20.
P2 Week is an opportunity for individuals and businesses to focus on how to reduce pollution to our land, water, and air, as well as reducing the use of harmful chemicals--all with the ultimate objective of providing safer and healthier places to live and work.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers several pollution prevention tips for the home, including how to find safer products, how to make your home more energy efficient and sustainable, and how to reduce the amount of garbage and household hazardous wastes.
PPI is proud to partner with EPA and Kansas businesses to help reduce pollution in our communities. Businesses looking for pollution prevention ideas should visit PPI’s website, where there are more than 100 case summaries that profile a variety of ways to incorporate pollution prevention and reduce costs. The institute also offers environmental technical assistance to Kansas businesses. For more information, call 800-578-8898 or email
PPI, housed within Engineering Extension, works to protect public health and promote sustainability through environmental education and services to industry, institutions, and communities. For more information, visit
For more information on Pollution Prevention Week, visit EPA's website.