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  4. » KLC Leadership Training has been Expanded

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 25, 2025

KLC Leadership Training has been Expanded

Submitted by Nancy Daniels

The Kansas Leadership Path: Authorize Yourself, Gain Skills, Mobilize Othrs

For the past five years, K-State Research and Extension has offered our agents, staff, and specialists the opportunity to participate in Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) training. KLC's unique curriculum empowers participants to authorize themselves to lead. It begins with the principles that leadership is an activity, not a position, and that anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere. Participants develop soft skills of engagement, communication and collaboration, including competencies that everyone can learn and leverage – from asking powerful questions and making multiple interpretations, to acting experimentally and making leadership less risky for others. And since progress on the toughest challenges requires stakeholders who disagree working together, we show how to engage each other productively and build trust with those whose values, beliefs and loyalties differ from yours.

The classes on the KLC Leadership Path are sequential; more than one class may be taken in a year as long as space is available. The discount code for KSRE employees is KSRE2025. Participation is limited to slots available. The classes earlier in the year are more likely to be available, so make plans now. Participants are responsible for their travel costs and required texts.

NEW this year! We are opening the classes to KSRE Partners. A "partner" might be KSRE board members, PDC leaders, Kansas Community Empowerment, or collaboration members. Groups who have taken steps 1 & 2 may advance together to step 3 and attend Lead for Change, a 3-day, deep dive into the KLC framework for teams mobilizing others to confront tough problems and tackle complex change processes in their systems. Lead for Change is ideal for collaborations working on Policy, Systems, and Environment change. Partners may apply by responding to this simple survey:  https://bit.ly/KLCLeadershipPath

Ask any member of the KLC Core Team for more information: Nancy Daniels, Chiquita Miller, Robin Eubank-Callis, Nora Rhoades, Kaitlyn Peine