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  4. »Using Reason to Resolve Conflict Seminar from Human Capital Services

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

September 29, 2015

Using Reason to Resolve Conflict Seminar from Human Capital Services

Submitted by Kris Boone

Whether they take place in the workplace or in one's personal life, conflicts are inevitable; however, that does not mean that they must always be damaging.

Learning and Development has partnered with ComPsych, K-State's employee assistance provider, to offer the training session, Using Reason to Resolve Conflict, WTD302, from 9-10 a.m. Wednesday, October 7, in the Flint Hills Room of the K-State Student Union.

When emotions are understood and reason is used to handle conflict, the result can actually be strengthened relationships rather than damaged ones. This workshop discusses how you can replace pure emotion with rational decision-making when dealing with conflict.

There is no charge to participants, but registration is necessary to ensure adequate seating and materials. Participants may register through HRIS Self_Enrollment or by sending an email to learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu.

This session also will be offered via webinar from 2-3 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14. The webinar will be recorded so if employees happen to miss it, they can view it when it works best for them. To register for the webinar or to receive a link for the recorded training at a later time, please register for the Using Reason to Resolve Conflict webinar.

Employees who attend the training session or view the live webinar are eligible for one HealthQuest credit. HealthQuest is the wellness program for state of Kansas employees and members of the State Employee Health Plan. The Learning and Development Office will work with ComPsych to ensure appropriate credit is given to employees.