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  4. »Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services 2016 Annual Newsletter

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 16, 2016

Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services 2016 Annual Newsletter

Submitted by Janel Koons

Difficult conversations, perspectives from K-State Research and Extension’s Farm Analyst Program, resources for tough economic times—find these stories and more in the Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services annual newsletter. Extension offices will receive a few newsletter copies in their weekly packets and more are available by request.

Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services (KAMS) provides the Kansas ag community with low cost legal, financial, mediation and succession planning resources. We help producers explore their options and generate solutions for a wide variety of issues affecting their daily lives. These could include agricultural credit concerns, USDA Farm Program and Farm Loan Program decisions, USDA Rural Housing loan issues, USDA Risk Management issues and USDA Natural Resources and Conservation Service decisions. The KAMS staff attorney is available to visit with callers, confidentially and at no cost, regarding any agricultural legal or financial issue, including such topics as answering questions regarding USDA denial letters, clarifying confusing paperwork, understanding appeal options available, agricultural credit situations, property rights concerns, farm foreclosures and landlord/tenant disputes.

KAMS offers initial information and guidance at no cost through a toll-free hotline, 800-321-3276. Our state-wide network of cooperating agencies and programs includes trained agricultural mediators, K-State Research and Extension farm financial analysts and Kansas Legal Services.

Kansas Agricultural Mediation Services’ brochures, posters and newsletters will be mailed to any Extension office requesting them. These are great to have available in informational areas or at Extension meetings. Simply drop us an email or call 800-321-3276.