January 17, 2017
Partnership Meetings 2017, and Reminders of Preparing for Storms!

Partnership Meetings 2017. We look forward to meeting Extension board and program development committee members from your district or county. The 2017 Partnership Meetings focus on the long-term strategies of Research and Extension to increase programming capacity, value, and relevance across all knowledge areas to every county and community. We have an outstanding panel of Extension professionals from across the state, prepared to share experiences of their journey to greater subject matter specialization and focused program priorities within their district and county. The panel for Wichita and Manhattan includes John Forshee, Mandy Marney, Teresa Hatfield, Sarah Maass, and Keith Martin. In Cimarron and Oakley, John Forshee, Mandy Marney, Nora Rhoades, Ross Mostelller, and Jeanne Falk Jones will comprise the panel. We look forward to their thoughts, comments, observations, and experiences in strengthening the value and relevance of K-State Research and Extension for the people of their communities.
You can look forward to hearing from Dr. Floros, Director of K-State Research and Extension, on our progress and impacts. Plan to see and hear the messages provided to legislators and stakeholders in 2017. The meetings will also provide time for table top discussions among board members on topics like becoming a better board member, the increased interest in multi-county district formation, and why multi-county Extension districts can be so important for the future in Kansas communities.
While the target was to have registrations complete by the 12th, if you haven’t gotten your board members registered, please follow this link and do so today, or as soon as possible! Registration is $25 per person.
Ice Storm. I know we have some offices and some areas within the west central part of the state who were hit very hard with ice damage and power lines coming down. It's good to see the sun shining and warming temperatures to hopefully speed up the recovery process in bringing communities and families back to some level of normal. It's always interesting to think about the preparations that take place in anticipation of storms or other forms of disaster. Stories of emptying the shelves in grocery stores, perishable food purchases, and wondering if those actions were truly necessary, especially if power outages were likely. What can we learn in preparing for different types of anticipated disaster situations?
The moisture was greatly needed everywhere. Just hoping all of you and your families and friends were/are safe following the storm and in the process of clean up and recovery.