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  2. »K-State Research and Extension
  3. »KSRE Tuesday Letter
  4. »What Are You Saving For? Tell Us and You Could WIN!

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

February 28, 2017

What Are You Saving For? Tell Us and You Could WIN!

Submitted by Kate Mielitz--GRA Extension

Contest graphic

Do you have one minute and a smart phone? Do you have a savings goal you’d like to share? If you have all 3 of those things, we’d love for you to share your #ImSavingFor video—and you could WIN! Even better—there are TWO contests!

  1. The eXtension Financial Security for All Community is sponsoring a video contest—you could WIN one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

  2. AmericaSaves.org is sponsoring a photo/video contest—you could WIN a grand price of $1000!

Enter one or enter both contests, but you know you’re saving for something—your sanity? Your vacation? Your retirement? If you’re working to pay down debt you’re saving that way too—share it! To find what others are saving for, go to YouTube or Twitter and search #ImSavingFor.

America Saves Week is THIS WEEK! Take the Kansas Saves PLEDGE today!