February 28, 2017
Being Proud to be a Part of K-State Research and Extension

First, I want to express my gratitude and thanks to the members of our State Extension advisory Council. These are all volunteer leaders within their local Extension boards who have gone above and beyond. They are great advocates, great communicators, engaged to learn more about this great Extension system in Kansas! And, then they went to the State Capitol and shared their passion and asked legislators to understand the importance of the investment by the state to keep the Research and Extension system whole, restore the recent cuts, and help us build for the future. If you know any of these individuals, please express your appreciation and thanks for their commitment to our being the best we can possibly become for the future economic and social strength of this state. The following are our current SEAC members:
- CHAIR Jodie Bartelson, Sumner County
- CHAIR-ELECT Richard Poland, Barber County
- SECRETARY Nathan Leiker, Ellis County
- TREASURER Larry Justice, Johnson County
- PAST CHAIR Rich Barr, Douglas County
- Cindy Bervert, Shawnee County
- Sandy Jacquot, Douglas County
- Lisa Pfannenstiel-Garrison, Shawnee County
- Brandon Vering, Marshall County
- Carmen Crandall, Doniphan County
- Lisa Long, Wabaunsee County
- Diana Gauntt, Geary County
- Cody Woelk, Greeley County
- Marvin Beesley, Golden Prairie District
- Dan Johnson, Midway District
- Jerry Hall, Wildcat District
- Greg Davis, Greenwood County
- Jim McClung, Cowley County
- Brad Carter, Marais des Cygnes District
- Lora Kilgore-Norquest, Finney County
- Gary Snyder, Edwards County
- Dave Twiner, Pratt County
I am so very impressed with this outstanding advisory council, and their commitment and willingness to advocate and support the work of Research and Extension, and all of Kansas State University.
Second, I want to highlight the Kansas 4-H Citizenship in Action two-day event in the State Capitol organized by the State 4-H Youth Leadership Council. My thanks to Sarah Keatley, Beth Hinshaw, and Diane Mack for providing this brief summary.
The purpose of the event is for youth to learn state legislative processes and how their voice and participation in decision-making can make a difference in their communities. Participants write, debate, and vote on their own bills, meet and talk with legislators, and familiarize themselves with the state capitol.
Bills were developed in committees of the youth. A topic idea was shared and legislation was developed to present to the entire house or senate. This year the topics were:
• A bill to increase minimum driving age
• A bill to provide free post secondary education
• A bill to require parents/guardians to pay for their students' extra-curricular activities
Community service is also integral to the experience. This year, the participants supported Topeka Rescue Mission HUGS (hats, underwear, gloves and socks). Youth donated 58 hats, 145 packages of underwear, 182 pairs of gloves, 443 pairs of socks, and 10 combo sets of hats and gloves. This is the 5th year for collecting HUGS.
A highlight for participants was meeting with their legislators. They also enjoy debating their bills on the floor of the house and senate.
This event started in 2006 with 142 and in 2017 had 309 youth and adults in attendance, record for this event.
Don't these kinds of people and their commitment and stories make you proud of the impact Extension is having in Kansas and across the nation! So many stories to tell!!