March 14, 2017
Evelyn Neier is Retiring

Evelyn Neier is retiring on March 31. Prior to joining the staff of K-State Research and Extension, Evelyn worked in the retail floral industry. From 2002 to 2017 Evelyn was an associate specialist in 4-H Youth Development. For the first part of her Extension career Evelyn served as the Junior Master Gardener Coordinator. Her work with the Family Nutrition Program focused on helping low income children and their families develop gardening skills. She developed educational materials and programs for nutrition educators to use with their low income audiences.
After leaving the FNP program, Evelyn worked with a variety of 4-H projects and events, primarily in the areas of plant science, geology and photography. She particularly enjoyed providing leadership for the State 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest, a program she was involved in as both a 4-H member and as a 4-H volunteer.
Evelyn also coordinated the Kansas Community Garden Grant Program that provided grants for 85 new Kansas community gardens. Statewide conferences were held to bring community garden leaders together to tour gardens, share best practices and learn organizational skills.
Evelyn chaired the committee that developed the Downing Children’s Garden at Botanica, Wichita’s botanical garden. Since the opening of the one acre garden in 2011, attendance at Botanica has tripled and membership numbers have nearly doubled. The garden has impacted thousands of families and made the Wichita community a better place to live and raise a family.
If you would like to send a note or card to Evelyn, you may do that in care of the State 4-H Office as shown below:
Evelyn Neier's Retriement
c/o Sarah Sullivan
201 Umberger
1612 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66506