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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

August 11, 2020

Extension Updates

Submitted by Mark Stadtlander

Cooking Basics: Cooking Terms. MF3533. Lisa Martin. When you learn basic cooking terms, you’re able to follow recipes more accurately and expand the range of healthful food you can prepare.

Gardening 9-1-1: Costs and Benefits of Home Gardening. MF3538. Elizabeth Kiss. Gardening for food can be a rewarding activity. Benefits may include connecting to your food in a new way, improving health, and lowering food costs. Includes worksheets to help you figure your costs and savings from home gardening.

Seasoning with Herbs and Spices. MF3539. Sandy Procter and Barbara Roths. Herbs and spices add a wide variety of flavor profiles to food, as well as providing health benefits. This fact sheet includes tips for using and storing herbs and spices, their benefits, and recipes.