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  4. »Strategic Doing for Annual Conference Continues - Framing Question Revealed!

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

October 5, 2021

Strategic Doing for Annual Conference Continues - Framing Question Revealed!

Submitted by Jaime Menon

Happy Tuesday Difference Makers!

Thank you so much to all who participated in the Strategic Doing Framing Question survey! We have our results!

What is our Framing Question? I know that the suspense is unbearable! Ok, I'll be kind and not keep you waiting. Here is our question:

How do we change our business model to adjust to technology and innovation? What does your program delivery, communication, program offerings, etc. look like in the future?

How was the question decided? Well, by you of course, but also it had a narrow margin with another question. The question above made the cut, and Debbie Kirchhoff explains why (for those of you that love numbers and data, this will make your day!):

“The KSRE Survey resulted in a little over 10% participation from KSRE employees, and a good cross-representation from all PFTs. Survey respondents were asked to rank the questions with 1 being the favorite and 5 being the least favorite. Three of the framing questions had a mean score of 3.0 or above, which are the ones the Strategic Doing Annual Conference Committee discussed, and evaluated the data in more detail. We eliminated one of the three because it had 37.84 of the respondents ranking at a 5 “Least favorable.” The framing question that was selected had higher percentages in the first and second rankings, which led us to select this question for the group.” Debbie Kirchhoff, Strategic Doing Practitioner

Interested in the results data? CLICK HERE to view.

As you are sure to understand by now, after Friday's Extension Update, this is kind of a big deal, and it is going to take many team players to make this magical. So to that end, you might have been asked by your PFT Chair to volunteer to be a Table Guide. If you were able to assist, THANK YOU for stepping up to lead and learn a new facilitation process! We are truly humbled by the response to our call for volunteers; we are grateful for you all! If you are on the Table Guide List, you likely received an email from me about Table Guide Trainings. Please be sure to respond to the invites as soon as you can and review the materials in the invite (or let us know if you can’t make it so that we can get you up to speed otherwise).

Are you interested in the Table Guide Training, but were not asked to be a Table Guide? We are happy to have others who are interested attend, and serve as back ups if necessary! Just email me at jmenon@ksu.edu and we can forward the invite so that you can participate, or get you up to speed.

Thank you ALL, again - and we look forward to the Strategic Doing Session, and working with you! --Jaime Menon, Co-Chair of the Strategic Doing Annual Conference Committee, with Debbie Kirchoff and Brian McCornack