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  4. »Search for Northwest Region 4-H Youth Development Extension Specialist

KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 15, 2022

Search for Northwest Region 4-H Youth Development Extension Specialist

Submitted by Amy Sollock

We are excited to announce the search for the Northwest Region 4-H Youth Development Extension Specialist is now open.  

  1. Please see the link below to the position announcement. I highly encourage you to apply if it aligns with your career aspirations or share it with your colleagues and professional networks. www.KSRE.KSU.edu/Jobs

  2. The search committee has been convened and includes the following members:
      • Aaron Hyland - Rawlins County ANR Extension Agent
      • Anna Muir – Phillips-Rooks District FCS Extension Agent
      • Karen Nelson - Sunflower District 4-H YD Extension Agent
      • Dan O’Brien – NW Ag Economist Extension Specialist
      • Shannon Rogge - Kansas 4H Program Coordinator
      • Amy Sollock – SWREC 4-H YD Extension Specialist, Search Committee Chair

Screening of applicants begins on April 4, 2022, and will continue until the position is filled. For best consideration, please apply by April 4. We are hoping to hold in-person interviews the week of May 2, location TBA. For more information about the position, please contact - Search Committee Chair Amy Sollock at asollock@ksu.edu or 785-259-2256.