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KSRE Tuesday Letter

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K-State Research and Extension
123 Umberger Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-3401

March 12, 2024

Fair Board Members and Extension Agents Invited to Participate in Livestock County Fair Management Clinic

Submitted by Lexie Hayes

The biennial Livestock County Fair Management Clinic will be hosted virtually April 15 and 18, 2024. This clinic is designed for county fair board members, Extension agents, and volunteers involved in local livestock fair management and leadership. The program consists of a forum of open communication for individuals working with livestock at their local fairs. This program focuses on the livestock perspective. K-State faculty, staff, fair board members, and extension agents will facilitate discussion directly related to livestock activities at local fairs in Kansas. The program is geared towards the input and participation of county fair board members, superintendents, and extension agents, so fair board members and superintendents are highly encouraged to attend! The program has been divided over two evenings, scheduled for 7:00 - 9:00 pm, with different topics being covered each night.

This year, each evening will open with a general session, followed by concurrent round table discussions. April 15 will include the Who’s Who of County Fairs – Roles and Responsibilities and round table discussions on Insurance, Showmanship and the Round Robin, and Awards. The second night, on April 18, will include a session from the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA), followed by round table discussions on Risk Management, Tagging and Identification Recommendations, and Hosting a Quality Premium Auction. It would be advantageous for counties to have several individuals attend to cover all the breakout sessions. The sessions will be recorded and available to attendees after the program. The program is free, but participants need to register online at https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2nLMofH3lkeU182 by April 8.

For more information, contact Joel DeRouchey (jderouch@ksu.edu or 785-532-2280), Lexie Hayes (adhayes@ksu.edu or 785-532-1264), or Kelsey Nordyke (klnordyke@ksu.edu or 620-222-1311).

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